275 Results for:

January 13, 2006

United States
On the origins of dark matter

Stephen "Current accounts almost always don't matter" Jen is intrigued by Ricardo Hausmann and Fredrico Struzenegger's discovery of dark matter.   Lots of others are too.   Michael Mandel for one. Se…


March 13, 2013

Defense and Security
Worldwide Threats Briefing Highlights

Yesterday, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) held its annual open hearing on “National Security Threats to the United States.” First started in 1994, the hearing is the rare instance…

Clapper and Brennan

May 7, 2006

United States
Searching for the origins of dark matter

Hausmann and Sturzenegger, if nothing else, have spurred a lot of work with a catchy title and a bit of clever accounting. We now know that:Dark matter stems more from low (reported) returns on forei…


February 5, 2006

United States
Is national income accounting biased against the US?

In a fake news classic, Rob Corddry and Jon Stewart of the Daily Show once pondered how to report "the facts" when "the facts themselves were biased."  Michael Mandel seems to think the facts are bia…

August 7, 2019

Election 2020
Meet Kirsten Gillibrand, Democratic Presidential Candidate

Update: Kirsten Gillibrand announced on August 28, 2019, that she was ending her campaign. It has been a while since Americans have elected successive presidents from the same state. Not since Nov…

Kirsten Gillibrand