1,463 Results for:

September 15, 2021

Academic Webinar: Race in America and International Relations

Travis L. Adkins, deputy assistant administrator for Africa at USAID and lecturer of African and security studies at the Walsh School of Foreign Service and in the Prisons and Justice Initiative at G…

Play Two women with raised fists calling for racial justice.

March 2, 2022

Higher Education Webinar: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in College and University Admissions

Natasha Warikoo, professor of sociology at Tufts University and author of The Diversity Bargain: And Other Dilemmas of Race, Admissions, and Meritocracy at Elite Universities, leads a conversation on…

Play Students sitting together on campus.

April 13, 2022

Academic Webinar: Refugees and Global Migration

Anne C. Richard, distinguished fellow and Afghanistan coordination lead at Freedom House, will lead a conversation on refugees and global migration. FASKIANOS: Thank you. Welcome to the final sess…

Play People walking with their belongings

October 17, 2022

Higher Education Webinar: Navigating Digital Equity

Mordecai Ian Brownlee, president of the Community College of Aurora, will lead the conversation on navigating the digital equity gap in higher education.   FASKIANOS: Welcome to CFR’s Higher E…

Play Student attending online class.

September 28, 2022

Infectious Diseases
Social Justice Webinar: Infectious Diseases

Demetre Daskalakis, deputy coordinator of the White House national monkeypox response, and Jeremy Youde, dean of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at the University of Minnesota Du…

Play Infectious Diseases