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February 9, 2022

Kenyan Elections Will Struggle to Meet the Moment

Kenya’s August elections will undoubtedly be among the most consequential political events in Africa in 2022. In a turbulent region, Kenya’s stability, economic muscle, and diplomatic leadership are more essential than ever before.

A crowd of people surrounds a car with William Ruto, a candidate for the Kenyan presidency, standing in the sun roof.

July 25, 2017

Polls Tighten in Run-Up to Kenya's Presidential Election

Kenya’s elections are scheduled to be held on August 8, exactly two weeks from today, and the race between the two leading presidential candidates is tightening. According to opinion polls, oppositio…


March 14, 2018

Pulling Kenya Back From the Brink

Odinga has called off his defiance campaign against the Kenyatta government, while Kenyatta apparently is allowing Odinga to continue to use the title “people’s president." The official document released detailing the pact refers to both as “his excellency.”


February 7, 2018

Kenya Enters Dangerous Territory

The Kenyatta administration has transformed an act in Odinga’s political theater into a challenge to the legitimacy of the Kenyatta administration.


August 6, 2018

The Likely Way Out of Zimbabwe's Election Crisis

Mnangagwa's victory was promptly and shamefully endorsed by African Union observers and those from the Southern African Development Community, but questioned by observers from the European Union, the National Democratic institute and the International Republican Institute, and, most important, the Zimbabwe Election Support Network, a local NGO umbrella that deployed 6,500 observers around the country.
