4,805 Results for:

January 1, 1996

Making Intelligence Smarter

The need for intelligence, and for a capability within the U.S. government to collect, produce, and disseminate it, remains critical. The end of the Cold War will not usher in an age of peace and sec…

January 1, 1997

Conflict Prevention
The World and Yugoslavia's Wars

Read an excerpt of The World and Yugoslavia's Wars. What role did outside powers play in the dissolution of Yugoslavia and in the wars that wracked that once-stable country? Why did the victors in…

April 1, 1997

Foreign Aid
Financing America's Leadership

Relative to the average of the 1980’s, U.S. government spending on international affairs has fallen nearly 20 percent in real terms and will decline by as much as another 30 percent under budget-bala…

July 1, 1997

Russia, Its Neighbors, and an Enlarging NATO

NATO’s decision to enlarge comes at a time of historic opportunity. With this growth, NATO will issue invitations to additional European states, thereby extending and reinforcing the zone of stabilit…

July 2, 1997

Differentiated Containment

Since World War II, the United States has identified the security and stability of the Gulf region as a vital national interest. This publication presents two documents. The first, Differentiated Con…