190 Results for:

February 12, 2008

McKinsey Executive Roundtable Series in International Economics: Sovereign Wealth Funds on the Rise: Should We Worry?

Watch financial experts discuss the geopolitical implications of international sovereign wealth funds buying stakes in companies in the United States and elsewhere.


May 10, 2011

Global Governance
Using Frozen Assets to Aid Libyans

The Obama administration’s plan to seize frozen Libyan assets and use them for Libyan aid is a dramatic, and probably unilateral, exercise of U.S. power that is likely to yield a relatively modest su…

May 1, 2006

Bowen: Iraq Reconstruction Still a "Mixed Picture"

The latest report by the U.S. inspector general for Iraq’s reconstruction says work continues to be hobbled by security concerns, poor oversight and corruption. Stuart Bowen Jr. tells cfr.org that in…

May 22, 2013

Corporate Governance
Apple and the Taxman: Why Treasury Always Loses

Watching the Senate hearing yesterday with Apple chief executive Tim Cook, I came to the conclusion that there are some things the government should not be trying to do even if the reasons for doing …

Apple CEO Tim Cook testifies before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations on May 21, 2013 (Jason Reed/Courtesy Reuters).

November 9, 2023

Renewing America
Confronting Disinformation in the Digital Age

Panelists discuss the challenge of discerning accurate information on online platforms, the rise of disinformation and how news agencies verify the truth in their reporting, and the repercussions of …

Play Displaced Ukrainians check their phones in a Polish train station.

September 18, 2020

United States
Happy 73rd Birthday to the U.S Air Force!

The United States Air Force marks seventy-three years of service.

Air Force