2,063 Results for:

March 10, 2006

Sweig: Rice, Hughes Aim to Show Relations with South America "Not as Negative as they are Perceived to Be"

As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy Karen Hughes prepare for their trip to South America, CFR Senior Fellow Julia Sweig says the United States must…

May 9, 2007

Landis: Rice’s Meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Produced Little

Joshua Landis, an expert on Syria, says the recent U.S.-Syria meeting produced little because of the ongoing U.S.-backed probe into the killing of Lebanon’s former prime minister.

February 20, 2007

Palestinian Territories
Indyk: Rice Can Put Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Train’ Back on Tracks

Former ambassador Martin S. Indyk says Secretary Rice’s decision to mediate between the Israelis and Palestinians marks a major change in the Bush administration’s approach to the Middle East.

March 12, 2013

Poison Air, Dead Pigs, and Cancer Rice: The Reform China Really Needs

The bad news doesn’t stop coming. First, Beijing residents learned that breathing their air on a daily basis was akin to living in a smoking lounge. Then Guangdong residents learned that Hunan rice s…

Cleaning workers retrieve the carcasses of pigs from a branch of Huangpu River in Shanghai on March 10, 2013.

December 6, 2005

Hunter: Rice Faces ‘Tough Sale’ to Persuade NATO Allies on Expanding Force in Afghanistan

Robert E. Hunter, who was U.S. ambassador to NATO from 1993-98, says that at this week’s meeting of NATO foreign ministers, the current controversy over "rendition" of prisoners pales in importance t…

April 22, 2024

The Record Breakers

Nigerians’ seemingly coordinated assault on the Guinness World Records offers a didactic lens into the national psyche and the state of the nation.

People cheer as Nigerian Chef Hilda Bassey attempts to break the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking time by an individual, in Lagos, Nigeria on May 15, 2023.