112 Results for:

September 26, 2018

Increasing Female Participation in Peacekeeping Operations

Women are routinely underrepresented in peacekeeping operations, even though their participation has been shown to improve mission effectiveness and advance stability. The U.S. government should support a UN premium for police- and troop-contributing countries to increase the training and deployment of female peacekeepers.

WFP PIM peacekeeping

July 17, 2013

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Ending Gaza’s Isolation

U.S. policy of isolating Gaza is counterproductive and inadvertently helps entrench the terrorist group Hamas' control. The Obama administration should instead encourage trade and contacts between the West Bank and Gazan people to reestablish national institutions and elections, thereby empowering Palestinian partners for peace.

Ending Gaza’s Isolation header

October 27, 2014

A Paris Club for Europe

Europe's strategy for solving its debt woes has the problem exactly backwards. A gaping hole in Europe's policy response to date is its unwillingness to reduce excessive levels of corporate, bank, an…

A Paris Club for Europe header

May 14, 2012

Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines
Ensuring the Safety and Integrity of the World’s Drug, Vaccine, and Medicines Supply

The world is facing two immediate health crises concerning drugs and vaccines: affordable and reliable access to life-sparing medicines and the safety and reliability of those medicines. Regulation a…

Ensuring the Safety and Integrity of the World’s Drug header

June 28, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Political Warfare

The United States is in a long-term struggle for influence in the Middle East with competitors such as Iran, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and various Salafist organizations. All have …

Political Warfare header