207 Results for:

July 30, 2020

United States
TWE Remembers: Vice Presidents on Being Vice President

Former Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden says he will announce his choice for his vice presidential nominee next week. That has spurred one last burst in the qu…

VP seal

December 17, 2012

Latin America in the Global Economy

A few weeks ago, the Council on Foreign Relations hosted a discussion with Antoine van Agtmael and Claudio Loser (and moderated by Theodore Moran) on Latin America and the global economy. The two pan…

February 11, 2013

International Organizations
Sorensen Distinguished Lecture on the United Nations: A Conversation with Ban Ki-moon

The Sorensen Distinguished Lecture on the United Nations was established in 1996 by Gillian and Theodore C. Sorensen to highlight the United Nations and offer a special occasion for its most distingu…


April 2, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress to Declare War on Germany

Presidents win elections by making promises to voters. But keeping those promises can prove impossible to do. Just ask Woodrow Wilson. He won reelection in November 1916 on a pledge to keep the Unite…

lindsay wilson wwi 20120330

February 20, 2023

United States
TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

TWE’s annual essay about the United States’ commanders-in-chief.

White House