517 Results for:

November 27, 2001

Agricultural Policy
Across the Rubicon

Overview The world's agricultural system stands at the shores of a technological Rubicon. On the near side, where most farmers toil today, new strains of crops are still largely the product of con…

March 13, 2001

Agricultural Policy
Trade, Science, and Genetically Modified Foods

Read an excerpt of "Trade, Science, and Genetically Modified Foods." Overview The scientific breakthrough of genetically modified (GM) food has generated enormous political controversy while de…

April 5, 2023

Energy and Environment
Renewing America Series: A Nuclear Energy Comeback?

Panelists discuss the future of nuclear energy in the United States and Europe, including arguments for and against the increased use of nuclear power and its broader implications for combatting clim…

Play Electricite de France (EDF) nuclear power station at Nogent-Sur-Seine, France

October 11, 2006

United States
U.S. Energy Dependence Undercutting U.S. National Security, Council Task Force Warns

America’s dependence on imported energy increases its strategic vulnerability and constrains its ability to pursue foreign policy and national security objectives, finds a Council-sponsored Independe…

May 28, 2008

Climate Change
Confronting Climate Change

Against the backdrop of increasing attention to energy and climate change in the presidential campaigns, recent failure of the Senate to advance the Lieberman-Warner climate bill, and preparations fo…