28 Results for:

November 17, 2008

Emerging Markets
Latin America: Not So Insulated After All

CFR’s Latin America Studies Program outlines the implications of the global financial crisis for Latin America.

February 17, 2009

Grand Strategy
The Tricky U.S.-Russia ‘Reset’ Button

The Kremlin and the Obama administration have signaled a desire to work toward a more cooperative U.S.-Russia relationship. But CFR Fellow Jeffrey Mankoff says Russian sensitivity over its "near abro…

August 26, 2009

Elections and Voting
Japan’s Moment of Choice

Electoral politics in Japan have been upended with the defeat of the long-governing Liberal Democratic Party. CFR’s Sheila Smith says the rise of the Democratic Party of Japan could test the U.S.-Jap…

March 23, 2010

Congresses and Parliaments
Health Reform Vote: Global Impressions

Healthcare reform has been seen internationally as a test of President Obama’s mettle, writes CFR’s global health expert Laurie Garrett, and GOP challenges will force it to be a White House preoccupa…

November 22, 2010

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Terrorism Trials and Detention’s Future

The Ghailani verdict focuses renewed attention on the debate over how to detain and prosecute terrorism suspects, which will persist until the Obama administration comes up with a firm policy, says C…