16 Results for:

February 11, 2011

Mexico: Development and Democracy at a Crossroads

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, Shannon O’Neil charts the progress of Mexico’s economic and democratic reforms. She sees grounds for optimism on both fronts but concludes that Mexico risks falli…

April 3, 2017

Antibiotic-Resistant ‘Superbugs’ Are Here

New strains of antibiotic-resistant bugs have triggered an alarming rise in deaths from treatable illnesses worldwide. A global ban on growth-promoting antibiotics in livestock is a crucial starting …

February 17, 2009

Grand Strategy
The Tricky U.S.-Russia ‘Reset’ Button

The Kremlin and the Obama administration have signaled a desire to work toward a more cooperative U.S.-Russia relationship. But CFR Fellow Jeffrey Mankoff says Russian sensitivity over its "near abro…

December 19, 2012

Preventing Chemical Weapons Use in Syria

Reducing the risk that chemical weapons will be used in Syria, considered a nightmare scenario, requires a comprehensive prevention strategy from the international community, writes CFR’s Paul Stares…

October 19, 2011

Human Rights
Promoting Human Rights: Is U.S. Consistency Desirable or Possible?

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, CFR’s Mark Lagon argues for a more consistent approach to human rights promotion than the United States has often pursued in the past.