Quantum Leap

How can the world create better medicines? More powerful solar cells? New batteries? The answers could come from a revolutionary research tool known as the quantum computer. It can seem like magic—harnessing the power of quantum physics to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges. But there are unmitigated risks too, as the technology continues to develop. What would a quantum-led future hold? 


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  • Gabrielle Sierra
    Director, Podcasting

Asher Ross - Supervising Producer

Markus Zakaria - Audio Producer and Sound Designer

Rafaela Siewert - Associate Podcast Producer

Episode Guests
  • Shohini Ghose
    Quantum Physicist and Professor, Physics and Computer Science, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Marissa Guistina
    Quantum Electronics Engineer and Research Scientist, Google
  • Kate Weber
    Public Policy Lead, Quantum Computing, Google

Show Notes

Quantum computing could solve the world’s toughest challenges. The technology is still in its infancy, but some experts suggest it will change the course of scientific research, in areas such as chemical and biological engineering, climate change responses, and financial forecasting. But the quantum revolution isn’t around the corner, and there are many threats to neutralize. So, how could this technology alter society, and will that ever come to pass?



From CFR


Lucas Ashbaugh, “The Quantum Race the United States Can’t Afford To Lose,” Net Politics


Robert Morgus and Justin Sherman, “What Policymakers Need to Know About Quantum Computing,” Net Politics



Read More


Cade Metz, “Yale Professors Race Google and IBM to the First Quantum Computer,” New York Times


Kevin Allison, “Why quantum computing could be a geopolitical time bomb,” GZERO Media


Patrick Caughill, “World’s Leading Physicist Says Quantum Computers Are ‘Tools of Destruction, Not Creation’,” Futurism


Shlomi Dolev, “The quantum computing apocalypse is imminent,” TechCrunch


Sophie Bushwick, “New Encryption System Protects Data from Quantum Computers,” Scientific American


Stephen Chen, “China launches world’s fastest programmable quantum computers,” South China Morning Post


Susan Decker and Christopher Yasiejko, “Forget the Trade War. China Wants to Win Computing Arms Race,” Bloomberg



Watch and Listen


Demonstrating Quantum Supremacy,” Google


Google’s Plan To Create The World’s First Quantum Computer,” Simply Tech


How do quantum computers work?,” Interesting Engineer


Quantum Computers Explained – Limits of Human Technology,” Kurzgesagt


The Race For Quantum Supremacy,” Vice News


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