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October 14, 2020

Women and Women's Rights
International Day of the Girl Child

This post was compiled by Haydn Welch, research associate in the Women and Foreign Policy program.  This past Sunday, people around the world celebrated the annual International Day of the Girl Ch…

A crowd of girls in Chandigarh, India celebrate International Day of the Girl Child in 2015

July 12, 2017

The Strange Death of Europe

What does Europe’s future look like? Last night I finished reading Douglas Murray’s fascinating, brilliant, beautifully argued and deeply disturbing book, The Strange Death of Europe. Murray write…

May 14, 2020

AU Leadership Absent From Egypt and Ethiopia Dam Dispute

After years of negotiations, Egypt has written to the UN Security Council about what it considers to be Ethiopia's failure to reach an agreement over the filling and operations of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam undergoes construction work on the River Nile. The far side of the dam run up against a hewn rockface that rises above the height of the dam. In the distance, a grassy, forested mountain is seen against a dark blue sky.

October 6, 2023

Maduro Regime To Accept Venezuelans Returned Home: Why Now?

The Biden administration has announced that the Maduro regime will henceforth accept the return of Venezuelans deported from the United States. Will sanctions relief will soon follow?

April 9, 2020

Health Policy and Initiatives
Now a Destination for Illicit Drugs, African States Need a New Approach

On March 20, Ghana's parliament passed the Narcotics Control Commission (NCC) bill in response to the dramatic growth in domestic drug consumption. The NCC treats illicit drug use as a public health crisis rather than strictly a law enforcement issue by decriminalizing certain narcotics and prioritizing treatment and rehabilitation for drug addicts. This is an important shift in Africa’s approach to combating the trade and use of illicit drugs.

A hand passes a plastic cup of a dose of methadone through a barred window to the hand of a recovering drug addict at a Medication Assisted Therapy clinic run by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) at Karuri Level 4 hospital in Kiambu, Kenya, on October 3, 2019.

October 4, 2023

100 Conservative Leaders Press Support for Ukraine

Despite some reports that conservatives in the United States favor abandoning Ukraine, 100 conservative leaders just published an open letter of support.