44 Results for:

August 12, 2015

Dominican Republic
Deportations in the Dominican Republic

Recent immigration actions  by the Dominican Republic are not likely to result in mass deportations of Haitians, as some fear, but could exacerbate already difficult conditions in Haiti, says expert …

May 10, 2016

Puerto Rico
Can Puerto Rico Escape Its Debt Crisis?

Puerto Rico’s debt crisis has entered a new stage. Without congressional action and deeper reforms, the island could find itself unable to provide basic services, says CFR expert Brad Setser.

May 22, 2014

Do the European Parliamentary Elections Matter?

This week’s European parliament elections could mark a victory for eurosceptics and fringe political groups, an outcome that would likely sour transatlantic relations, says expert Judy Dempsey.

July 15, 2015

Puerto Rico
Deciphering Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis

Special tax incentives have enabled Puerto Rico to borrow irresponsibly for years, and now the island must take painful steps to balance its budget, explains expert Matt Fabian.

July 8, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
The Careful U.S. Diplomacy on Honduras

Latin America expert Kevin Casas-Zamora says that by putting its diplomatic weight behind a mediation effort by Arias to settle the Honduran crisis, the Obama administration has demonstrated sensitiv…