97 Results for:

February 13, 2013

United States
The Long Road of U.S. Fiscal Reform

The president’s annual address set the stage for more political wrangling over U.S. fiscal policy at a time when decisiveness is crucial for the economy, writes CFR’s Robert Kahn.

September 11, 2015

Is Universal Health Care an Attainable Goal?

The latest UN development initiative calls for achieving universal health coverage by 2030, a goal widely supported in the global health community but one that is possibly too ambitious, writes CFR’s…

November 14, 2008

Middle East and North Africa
Gulf States Find Oil Wealth a Thin Buffer

The Gulf and the financial crisis.

July 20, 2011

Making Sense of the Afghan Peace Dividend

Scaling back the U.S. commitment in Afghanistan will yield a peace dividend, but only when Social Security and Medicare spending are controlled will the U.S. be able to refocus on domestic priorities…

April 7, 2015

Global Health Goal Hits and Misses

A review of the Millennium Development Goals winding down in 2015 offers insights on global health efforts that could inform an even more ambitious UN initiative set to launch this year, writes CFR’s…