90 Results for:

October 27, 2021

Middle East and North Africa
What Erdogan’s Struggles Mean for U.S.-Turkey Relations

An imprisoned opponent, dire economic conditions, and ongoing tensions with the United States all pose challenges to President Erdogan’s increasingly erratic leadership.

September 6, 2024

Guam’s Strategic Importance in the Indo-Pacific

The island’s proximity to Asia makes it a critical outpost for the U.S. military and a potential hub in the event of regional conflict.

December 21, 2018

Syria’s Changing Power Grid: What Turkey Wants

The U.S. withdrawal from Syria removes the main obstacle to a Turkish campaign to eradicate Syrian Kurdish forces and could lead to a more dangerous phase of Syria’s civil war.

Kurdish soldier

June 24, 2019

Istanbul’s Election: What Does Erdogan’s Loss Mean for Turkey?

After his party suffered a humiliating loss in Istanbul, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is down but far from out.

Ekrem Imamoglu, mayoral candidate of Turkey's main opposition party, at a rally in Istanbul.

August 8, 2024

Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa and the Gulf Are Growing Closer. Will It Increase Global Tensions?

The Gulf states are angling for closer ties with African countries, and the feeling is mutual. But critics say differences over governance values, labor rights, and ongoing conflicts could stoke tens…

March 23, 2024

Moscow Attack Shows Troubling, Lethal Reach of ISIS

The mass casualty theater attack in Moscow was a reminder that affiliates of the Islamic State have reorganized and infiltrated even powerful states.

June 18, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
Who’s Who in Libya’s War?

The conflict in oil-rich Libya has become a proxy war, fueled by rival foreign powers such as Russia and Turkey.