520 Results for:

May 23, 2024

South Africa
South Africans Poised to Shake Up Their Governing Status Quo

The provincial and national elections on May 29 come amid waning support for the ruling African National Congress thirty years after South Africa transitioned to democracy.

Supporters of former South African president Jacob Zuma's new political party wave the South African flag ahead of the launch of the party's election manifesto ahead of a general election.

April 24, 2024

Weapons of War: The Race Between Russia and Ukraine

The new U.S. aid package will reestablish a critical flow of weapons to Ukraine’s military, but the war will hinge greatly on which side can ramp up and sustain its firepower and troop numbers in the…

An employee handles 155 mm caliber shells after the manufacturing process at an ammunition plant in Scranton, PA.

June 18, 2010

G8, G20: A View of Canada’s Summits

The upcoming G8 and G20 conferences mark a shift to a "multipolar age," particularly if the G20 is able to agree on a continuing path to a stable global recovery, says CFR’s Stewart Patrick.

September 22, 2017

A Simmering Crisis Over Nagorno-Karabakh

Talks later this year between President Serzh Sargsyan and President Ilham Aliyev can reduce the likelihood of renewed armed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


April 3, 2017

Antibiotic-Resistant ‘Superbugs’ Are Here

New strains of antibiotic-resistant bugs have triggered an alarming rise in deaths from treatable illnesses worldwide. A global ban on growth-promoting antibiotics in livestock is a crucial starting …

July 6, 2017

North Korea
Taking On North Korea at the G20

North Korea’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile during the week of the Hamburg summit injects an air of crisis into an already tricky set of meetings.
