81 Results for:

July 12, 2018

The Sad Fate of the Socialist International

Once upon a time, the Socialist International was an extraordinary organization. Founded in 1951 as a successor to various prior socialist groups, it was staunchly democratic and anti-Communist, and …

June 3, 2014

Europe and Eurasia
Mr. Draghi, Tear Down These Rates!

ECB President Mario Draghi was able to stabilize Eurozone nominal lending rates, which had been climbing dangerously in the periphery countries, with his famous do “whatever it takes” speech in Ju…

Mr. Draghi, Tear Down These Rates!

January 24, 2014

Europe and Eurasia
“The Euro Crisis Is Dead! Long Live the Euro Crisis!”

You’ve got to hand it to Mario Draghi.  Never in the history of central banking has one man accomplished so much with so few words and even less action. Since having announced the creation of the…

“The Euro Crisis Is Dead! Long Live the Euro Crisis!”

August 17, 2015

Did The Kerry Visit To Cuba Matter?

Secretary of State Kerry traveled to Havana to raise the flag at the U.S. Embassy there last week. As has been noted here in this blog and in many news articles and columns, no dissidents or human ri…

December 7, 2015

Climate Change
Molina and Zaelke: Cutting Short-Lived Pollutants Can Give Quick Wins on Warming

Policymakers should look to reductions in potent, short-lived pollutants to reduce warming faster than cuts to carbon dioxide emissions alone, write Nobel Prize-winner Mario Molina and Institute for …