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June 23, 2021

Taming the New Wild West

The current cybersecurity landscape is a latter-day Wild West that calls for a new US policy of deterrence, diplomacy, and defense.

A poster showing six wanted Russian military intelligence officers is displayed with FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich in the background

February 9, 2024

Central Bank Currency Swaps Tracker

Introduction Since the financial crisis of 2007, central banks around the world have entered into a multitude of bilateral currency swap agreements with one another. These agreements allow a centr…

October 19, 2020

Women and Women's Rights
New Data on Women’s Roles at the Peace Table

The Women and Foreign Policy program is launching new data on women’s participation as negotiators, mediators, and signatories in major peace processes from 1992-2019.

A Colombian protester holds a sign that, in English, reads, "The women build and defend the peace."

March 22, 2024

Climate Change
How Big a Climate Threat Are Atmospheric Rivers?

Atmospheric rivers are gaining in intensity across California and the western United States. Communities need to adapt to the havoc wrought by this weather phenomenon.

A brown river threatens to overflow alongside a highway.

January 10, 2022

Latin America
Latin America's New Economic Model May Emerge in Chile

Once the region’s no-frills, free-market poster child, Chile needs more government spending, not less, to sustain its growth trajectory.

Chile's president elect, Gabriel Boric, gives a thumbs up

May 23, 2018

Italy's New Government Could Be the Force That Finally Breaks Europe

Italy's new government could pursue a path that could have a devastating effect on Europe’s financial position

Alessandro Bianchi/Reuters