224 Results for:

March 18, 2024

India’s Muslims: An Increasingly Marginalized Population

India’s Muslim communities have faced decades of discrimination, which experts say has worsened under the Hindu nationalist BJP’s government.

Muslim women in India hold signs during a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act.

April 16, 2024

United States
Is Rising Student Debt Harming the U.S. Economy?

Higher education provides students many socioeconomic benefits and increases the global competitiveness of the United States, but mounting student loan debt has sparked a debate over federal lending …

Protestors hold "cancel student debt" signs outside the U.S. Supreme Court.

May 3, 2024

The U.S.-Japan Alliance

The alliance with Japan has been the cornerstone of U.S. security policy in East Asia for decades. Now, Japan’s role in global security is growing as challenges from China and North Korea mount.  …

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta addresses U.S. and Japanese forces at Yokota Air Base outside of Tokyo, October 24, 2011.

February 16, 2024

United Kingdom
Moving Past the Troubles: The Future of Northern Ireland Peace

The Good Friday Agreement has dampened sectarian conflict and brought stability to Northern Ireland, but the peace deal has been challenged by Brexit-related border tensions that have thrown the regi…

A peace mural adorns a building in a loyalist neighborhood of Belfast

March 20, 2024

China and Russia: Exploring Ties Between Two Authoritarian Powers

China and Russia have expanded trade and defense ties over the past decade, but they’re not formal allies. Experts say Russia’s war in Ukraine could be a turning point in the relationship.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping stand next to each other.

November 2, 2023

What Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

The United Nation’s ambitious development agenda aims to protect people and the planet via seventeen goals. But experts say governments aren’t doing enough to implement them.

Students attend a lesson at a school in the Tillabéri region of Niger.

October 31, 2023

Latin America
What Does the Inter-American Development Bank Do?

The Inter-American Development Bank aims to bolster economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean, but critics say reforms are needed.

A sign promotes the IDB Board of Governors meeting in Panama City, Panama, in March 2023.

October 27, 2023

Iran Nuclear Agreement
What Is the Iran Nuclear Deal?

The United States’ withdrawal from the arms control agreement has heightened tensions and left the remaining signatories scrambling to keep the deal alive.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, French  The foreign ministers of China, France, Germany, the European Union, Iran, the United Kingdom, and the United States pose for a photo at the UN building in Vienna, Austria.

December 5, 2023

Climate Change
Global Climate Agreements: Successes and Failures

International efforts, such as the Paris Agreement, aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But experts say countries aren’t doing enough to limit dangerous global warming.

Muddy waters nearly submerge lines of cars during a flood in Colorado, United States.

February 8, 2024

Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense

Taiwan has the potential to be a flash point in U.S.-China relations. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taipei in 2022 heightened tensions.

A statue of a Taiwanese soldier looks over the Taiwan straight at a Chinese city.