213 Results for:

March 25, 2022

Cyber Week in Review: March 25, 2022

Mossad chief targeted by hackers; U.S. and U.K. warn of potential Russian cyberattacks; FBI report shows rise in cybercrime; Chinese report claims to identify NSA tool set; EU set to pass digital com…

Thierry Breton speaks at a podium in front of an EU flag.

February 11, 2022

Cyber Week in Review: February 11, 2022

Israel and EU launch inquiries into Pegasus spyware; News Corp discloses breach; North Korea using stolen crypto to fund missile program; IRS abandons facial recognition plan; Justice Department indi…

Kim Jong Un, Supreme Leader of North Korea, speaks at an event in October 2021.

January 20, 2021

2020: Cybercrime’s Perfect Storm

A rare combination of circumstances led to a perfect storm for cybercrime in 2020.

A healthcare worker sits on the curb as he uses a vaping device while taking a break outside Maimonides Medical Center.

September 22, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
The Flawed U.S. Effort to Revive Iran Sanctions

The Trump administration’s case for invoking “snapback” sanctions against Iran for violating the nuclear deal rests on shallow arguments that have left Washington alone in efforts to pressure Tehran…

Ambassador Kelly Craft watches Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talk about the nuclear deal after a UN Security Council meeting

February 19, 2021

Cyber Week in Review: February 19, 2021

New activity from and against North Korean hackers; Russian hackers target French IT monitoring company; Cambodia adopts China-style internet firewall; Facebook blocks Australian news outlets; and Mo…

A person uses a smartphone to look at the Facebook page of Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen.