41 Results for:

October 27, 2017

Abe’s Win and Japan’s Constitutional Debate

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is positioned to push constitutional revision following his landslide electoral win, but his efforts will be challenged at home and abroad.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

November 24, 2015

Five Things to Watch at Paris Climate Summit

The Paris talks have been built up as a critical moment for confronting climate change, making even the perception of success important for momentum on lowering carbon emissions, writes CFR’s Michael…

August 22, 2017

Trump’s Path to Indefinite Afghan War

President Trump’s much-anticipated Afghan policy rightly avoids troop withdrawal timelines but offers little prospect for progress against the durable Taliban.

Carlos Barria/Reuters

May 7, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
Clouds Over Camp David Summit

The U.S. and Gulf Arab leaders gathering in Camp David are pursuing divergent courses in the Middle East, with differences over Iran nuclear talks likely to drive them further apart, writes CFR’s Ray…

November 2, 2016

What to Watch at the Climate Conference in Marrakech

At climate talks in Morocco, negotiators will try to move forward on issues left unresolved by the 2015 Paris Agreement. However, developed and developing countries still remain far apart on major is…