40 Results for:

April 12, 2024

China’s New Currency Peg

The peg that shall not be named, and all the trouble that creates.

China’s New Currency Peg

October 31, 2023

United States
Meet Dean Phillips, Democratic Presidential Candidate

The U.S. congressman from Minnesota is a candidate for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.


January 9, 2023

Elections and Voting
The 118th Congress by the Numbers

A new Congress brings new faces to Washington, DC.

Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries passes the gavel to Kevin McCarthy after McCarthy was elected Speaker of the House on January 7, 2023.

December 23, 2020

Elections and Voting
Ten Elections to Watch in 2021

Numerous countries will hold elections in 2021. Here are ten to watch. 

Myanmar voter

September 12, 2022

United States
Heading Off a Future Constitutional Calamity

The Electoral Count Reform Act offers the opportunity to address a potentially existential national security threat with a relatively small number of keystrokes revising the U.S. Code—but time is sho…

Manchin and Collins

March 8, 2022

Nigeria’s Struggle for Gender Equality Gathers Pace Amid Protests

Today’s announcement by the Nigerian lower legislative chamber partly rescinding last week’s decision to throw out of five key gender-equality bills is a significant victory for women’s rights advocates in the region. It is also evidence that well-coordinated political pressure by civil society organizations can produce real change.

A Nigerian woman holds a placard during a protest for women’s rights.