32 Results for:

June 1, 1998

South Korea
Managing Change on the Korean Peninsula

The Korean peninsula remains one of the most heavily armed and dangerous places in the world. Despite its deteriorating economy, North Korea retains a standing army of over one million men and an eno…

October 12, 2006

United States
National Security Consequences of U.S. Oil Dependency

Through most of the 1990s energy supplies were plentiful and prices were low. The Economist speculated about the political consequences of a world in which oil declined to $5 per barrel. U.S. foreign…

June 25, 2003

Iraq: The Day After - Chairs' Update

With mounting costs to American lives and treasure in Iraq, and success there so clearly tied to American staying power and the coherence of U.S. strategy, the Bush administration must sharpen and de…

May 31, 2003

North Korea
Meeting the North Korean Nuclear Challenge

The North Korean nuclear program is headed in a dangerous direction. Yet the United States and its allies have not set forth a coherent or unified strategy to stop it. This Task Force report evaluate…

March 12, 2003

Iraq: The Day After

Written before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, this report accurately predicted that winning the peace in Iraq would be a far greater challenge than winning the war. The report says that this challenge fa…