864 Results for:

July 16, 2020

United States
The Economic Effects of Working From Home

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many companies to switch to remote work, some permanently. What does this mean for the economy?  

June 8, 2020

Trump’s Sudden and Dangerous Troop Withdrawal From Germany

President Donald J. Trump’s order to withdraw nearly ten thousand U.S. troops from Germany betrays a close ally, undermines confidence in Washington, and makes Europe and the United States less safe…

November 30, 2020

Middle East and North Africa
What’s the Fallout From the Killing of a Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist?

The assassination of Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh will intensify debate in Tehran over whether to reengage in the nuclear deal with the Biden administration.

January 16, 2020

What to Expect From Putin’s Shake-Up

President Putin’s sweeping moves to shift government power reinforce his own claim to leadership beyond 2024, but also set in motion competition for influence throughout Russia.

September 7, 2018

Facebook, Twitter, and the Challenge From Washington

Can the country’s major digital platforms fight disinformation campaigns while facing the Trump administration’s charges of political bias?

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images