121 Results for:

April 20, 2021

COVID-19 and the Threat to Press Freedom in Central and Eastern Europe

Restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have increased threats to press freedom in the region, raising questions over how to respond.   

March 18, 2022

Europe and Eurasia
Russia Is Censoring News on the War in Ukraine. Foreign Media Are Trying to Get Around That.

A Kremlin crackdown on independent media is walling off Russians from the truth about the country’s widely condemned invasion of Ukraine, but Western-funded media outlets are ramping up efforts to ci…

November 7, 2019

How China Is Interfering in Taiwan’s Election

Beijing is spreading disinformation to influence Taiwan’s election in January, but that doesn’t necessarily mean President Tsai Ing-wen will get voted out.

April 7, 2021

Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines
Vaccine Passports: What to Know

Some governments and businesses are starting to use digital and paper passes that certify a person has been immunized against COVID-19, spurring debate over the ethics of vaccine passports.

September 7, 2018

Facebook, Twitter, and the Challenge From Washington

Can the country’s major digital platforms fight disinformation campaigns while facing the Trump administration’s charges of political bias?

Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images