235 Results for:

January 19, 2017

Why Is Iran Imprisoning Iranian-Americans?

What is behind Iran’s latest seizures of expatriates visiting from the United States? An insecure regime fearful of close ties with the West.

December 11, 2014

Can Nigeria Endure Falling Oil Prices?

Nigeria’s heavy dependence on oil revenues puts it in a risky position economically and politically, raising new concerns about instability in Africa’s most populous country, writes CFR’s John Campbe…

February 13, 2018

South Africa
Jacob Zuma’s Undoing

The scandal-plagued leader’s removal could set the party of Nelson Mandela on a path toward reestablishing South Africa as a role model for the rest of the continent.

South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa (left) and President Jacob Zuma stand at the opening of Parliament in Cape Town.

March 26, 2015

Nigeria’s High Stakes Elections

Africa’s most populous country is holding tight elections amid a fierce insurgency and plummeting oil revenues. There are concerns that the vote could trigger a new round of instability, writes CFR’s…

January 22, 2019

The U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy Needs More Indian Ocean

Washington will need to identify and commit to specific goals in the Indo-Pacific if this geographic and strategic approach is to be successful.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Trump hold a joint news conferences at the White House.