34 Results for:

May 11, 2010

U.S. Options Limited in Pakistan

In the event of a successful terrorist attack by Pakistan-based militants, U.S. actions toward Pakistan are limited, but the United States can help Pakistan intensify its fight against extremism, say…

June 8, 2017

Islamic State
Why Did the Islamic State Target Tehran?

With its attacks in Iran, the Islamic State is trying to demonstrate that despite military setbacks it remains a capable Sunni vanguard.

A boy is evacuated from the Iranian parliament during an attack.

September 1, 2015

Gauging the Fallout From the Chinese Market Shock

Beyond China’s market upheaval is a country struggling with how to relax state control over the economy amid a slowdown that has global implications, writes CFR’s Robert Kahn.

July 21, 2015

China’s Market Plunge: Correction or Crisis?

The odds of an economic hard landing for China remain low, but continuing stock volatility could set back critical market reforms, says expert Stephen Roach.

April 25, 2013

Domestic Intelligence and the Boston Bombings

The Boston Marathon bombings illustrate the stresses on domestic intelligence gathering and counterterrorism in a democratic system, says CFR’s Richard Falkenrath.