34 Results for:

February 10, 2017

United States
The Legal Fight Over Trump’s Authority

The battle over the Trump administration’s executive order on immigration raises weighty constitutional questions involving presidential power and the judiciary’s role in national security, explains …

July 23, 2015

Iran Nuclear Agreement
How Binding Is the Iran Deal?

The Iran nuclear deal and subsequent UN Security Council resolution do little to bind the United States legally, though policymakers would face political pressure against reinstating sanctions, says …

August 5, 2015

United States
The GOP Debate: Room for Foreign Policy?

The Republican presidential candidates are aligned on most foreign policy issues, but they could quarrel over immigration and the Iran nuclear deal in their first debate, says CFR’s James M. Lindsay…

August 28, 2013

China’s Rule-of-Law Trial

The unusual trial of Bo Xilai and China’s crackdown on both corruption and press freedom reveal a confused and conflicted leadership, says CFR’s Jerome Cohen.

December 17, 2014

Abe’s Stronger Mandate

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has a fresh electoral mandate to implement structural reforms but many of his intended changes will require the transformation of Japanese society, says CFR’s Sheila Smith…