292 Results for:

October 12, 2005

Elections and Voting
Lindsay: Successful Constitution Vote in Iraq Crucial to Bush Administration’s Iraq Policy

James M. Lindsay, the Council’s director of studies, says Iraq “has consumed the Bush foreign policy agenda,” and as a result, “for the administration, it’s important that [the October 15 constituti…

December 8, 2005

Congresses and Parliaments
Lindsay: Bush Trying to Convince Public Iraq Going Better Than They Think

James M. Lindsay, CFR’s director of studies, says President Bush’s recent public speeches on Iraq policy indicates the president is "trying to make the case to the American public that we are doing b…

December 29, 2015

World Outlook for 2016

Surging fears of terrorism, chaos in the Middle East, tensions in Asia, and the slowing Chinese economy suggest a challenging year lies ahead for global leaders, says CFR’s James M. Lindsay.

March 25, 2011

Obama’s ’Poorly Conceived’ Libya Intervention

President Obama’s decision to intervene in Libya is hobbled by poor timing and muddled objectives, but charges that the war is illegal are unfounded, says CFR’s James Lindsay.

November 1, 2012

United States
A Heavy Post-Election Agenda

No matter who wins the U.S. presidential election on Tuesday, an array of foreign policy challenges await, says CFR’s James Lindsay.