122 Results for:

May 19, 2006

Former Top CIA Official Says Agency Can be Revived Through Leadership, Focus

A former deputy director of the CIA, Richard J. Kerr, says the agency needs a strong leader who can restore its role as the leading source of intelligence analysis. Kerr says the new head of the CIA …

February 6, 2018

The Mixed Record of Sports Diplomacy

While sports may temporarily transcend divisions in society, events like the Olympics rarely serve to advance countries’ diplomatic aims.

East Germany was a perennial powerhouse at winter games, including the 1988 Calgary games where it won gold and bronze in the women’s 1000 meters Speedskating event.

November 24, 2015

United States
Would a Paris Climate Deal Be Legally Binding on the U.S.?

The Obama administration has other methods to pursue a binding international agreement on climate change in Paris that fall short of a treaty, says CFR’s John B. Bellinger III.

April 15, 2018

Legal Questions Loom Over Syria Strikes

In striking Syria without an international law justification, the United States leaves itself open to criticism and may invite similar behavior by other countries.

U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley and UK Ambassador Karen Pierce vote against a Russian resolution condemning “aggression” against Syria during an emergency UN Security Council meeting.

March 27, 2015

Navigating the Iran Sanctions Thicket

The prospect of sanctions relief as part of an Iran nuclear agreement has alarmed some in Congress, but they should see the value of a UN Security Council resolution affirming the deal, says CFR’s Jo…