116 Results for:

March 22, 2011

United States
Disaster Relief in a Dangerous World

The U.S. Navy’s maritime strategy, in which humanitarian missions play a prominent role, is based on a debatable assumption that credible enemies have largely disappeared and that competition of the …

August 5, 2015

United States
The GOP Debate: Room for Foreign Policy?

The Republican presidential candidates are aligned on most foreign policy issues, but they could quarrel over immigration and the Iran nuclear deal in their first debate, says CFR’s James M. Lindsay…

January 12, 2015

Will Journalism Suffer After the Paris Attack?

The terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo could have a chilling effect on the coverage of Islam in certain countries, says expert Karin Karlekar.

October 1, 2014

Amid Global Disorder, North America Should Tighten Bonds

It is time for the United States, Canada, and Mexico to take integration to the next level, coordinating more closely on energy, security, and trade policy, says Robert Zoellick, co-chair of a new CF…

September 2, 2014

United States
Countering the U.S. Image Problem

Foreign media coverage of the social unrest in Ferguson reinforces damaging global perceptions of the United States, says expert Philip Seib.