232 Results for:

April 16, 2018

Syrian Civil War
Can Syria’s Chemical Weapons Be Stopped?

The United States should follow targeted strikes in Syria with intensified global efforts to nullify the regime’s chemical weapons capabilities.

A firefighter works inside the destroyed Scientific Research Center in Damascus.

September 17, 2015

Vatican City
The Pope’s Soft-Power Push

Pope Francis will use his upcoming high-level visits to the U.S. and UN to press the concerns of the poor and marginalized, says expert Kenneth Himes.

July 10, 2007

International Law
Bellinger Says International Court Flawed But Deserving of Help in Some Cases

The U.S. State Department’s legal adviser says Washington remains concerned about the prosecutorial reach of the ICC but wants to help it pursue some war criminals.

June 30, 2014

Bretton Woods Lessons

The 1944 Bretton Woods conference ensured a leading role for Washington in the global financial system but also contributed to present-day problems that will be difficult to fix, says CFR’s Benn Stei…

December 7, 2007

United States
McCain: Americans Divided, Dissatisfied over U.S. Foreign Policy

A leading Republican candidate for president, Sen. John McCain, tells CFR.org the country needs to unite over issues ranging from Iraq to immigration.