42 Results for:

February 21, 2006

Emerging Markets
Frederick Kempe of the Wall Street Journal gets an awful lot of things wrong

As, I suspect, does Joseph Quinlan of the Bank of America- the source of much of Kempe's analysis.   Kempe's core argument: consumers in emerging markets are driving global demand.   His eviden…

October 5, 2021

More Than Submarines: Implications of AUKUS in the Air Domain

The benefits of AUKUS for Indo-Pacific competition transcend nuclear submarines.

Australian Minister of Defense stands at podium at U.S. State Department delivering remarks. Several other political leaders stand at similar podiums in the background.

October 9, 2019

Sub-Saharan Africa
The Origins of African States, and Their Names

An article on the origins of the names of African countries was recently published in Quartz. It includes a map of the continent in 1885, shortly after the Berlin Conference. Portuguese and Arabic traders and explorers are the origins of some names, European mispronunciation of tribal names are the origins of others.

A bird flies in front of Mount Kenya on the horizon in Laikipia national park, Kenya.

May 23, 2022

A Political Earthquake From Australia’s Elections

How will Australia's election result affect the region, including U.S.-China competition?

Anthony Albanese, leader of Australia's Labor Party, addresses supporters after incumbent Prime Minister and Liberal Party leader Scott Morrison conceded defeat in the country's general election, in Sydney, Australia, on May 21, 2022.

February 5, 2021

Local and Traditional Leadership
Ethnic and Religious Violence Worsen in Kaduna

Kaduna is increasingly the epicenter of violence in Nigeria, rivaling Borno state, the home turf of Boko Haram. In rural areas, conflicts over water and land use are escalating, and Ansaru, a less prominent Islamist group, is active.

A picture of the Sultan Bello mosque, also known as the Kaduna Central mosque, in Kaduna, Nigeria.