261 Results for:

September 17, 2015

What to Expect From a Turnbull Government in Australia

After an intraparty leadership contest on Monday, Australia has a new prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, the former environmental minister, communications minister, and leader of the Liberal Party. Tu…


April 6, 2006

United States
Rarely do I agree even a little with Larry Lindsey

But I do think Lindsey correctly highlights why the debate on whether the US economy as a whole benefits from low interest rates courtesy of China's central bank is rather beside the point, at least …

November 7, 2023

Blood Money

When it comes to wealth transfer, Nigerian Pentecostal churches prefer to keep it all in the family.  

Hundreds of worshippers, dressed in traditional attire, attend a church service.

July 9, 2018

Beyond “Mateship”: Tough Choices in Australian Foreign Policy

By James Curran In recent weeks, the Australian government has invested significant commemorative capital to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Hamel on the Western Front in World…


January 31, 2019

Southeast Asia
What a Labor Victory Might Mean for Australian Foreign Policy

By Elena Collinson A federal election is due this year in Australia. While the Liberal-National Coalition government has yet to formally announce a polling day, the stage has effectively been set …
