104 Results for:

September 24, 2018

How Did China Manage its Currency Over the Summer?

China still manages its currency. That’s hardly a shocking statement, I know. But I don’t fully subscribe to the view that China’s depreciation in the summer was simply a market move, given the dolla…

How Did China Manage its Currency Over the Summer?

April 9, 2009

United States
The US is exporting its recession (by not importing)

The trade deficit continued to shrink in February, even though oil prices stopped falling. Chalk that up to a huge slide in non-oil imports. Non-oil goods imports were down 25% y/y. Automobile…

The US is exporting its recession (by not importing)

February 25, 2008

United States
Rebalancing from the US to Europe — evidence from shipping containers

Alas, the rebalancing in this case is a shift from exporting to the US to exporting to Europe -- not a shift from export-led growth toward domestic-demand led growth. Alan Beattie, in the FT. Mark Pa…

March 22, 2005

What did I miss?

Let’s see.Paul Wolfowitz looks set to take over the World Bank. Oil is a bit over $56. That is not low, by any measure. I remember how much concern there was last summer when oil broke $40.The cur…

April 8, 2009

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Charting the current US downturn

My colleague at the Council’s Center for Geoeconomic Studies -- Paul Swartz -- has been tracking how the current US downturn stacks up against the typical post-War War 2 downturn. The answer isn’t…

Charting the current US downturn