87 Results for:

September 24, 2013

Public Perceptions of Mexico’s Reform Agenda

Vianovo, a strategy consultancy, recently released a poll looking at Mexican impressions of the Peña Nieto government’s economic reform agenda. Interviewing 1,000 people in late August, they found th…

Vianovo poll - LAM

December 5, 2010

Climate Change
What do Julian Assange and (Some) Climate Activists Have in Common?

Answer: Both don’t seem to understand that effective diplomacy requires some secrecy. Here’s what I mean. Assange, the man behind WikiLeaks, seems to think that indiscriminately publishing hundreds …

September 25, 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa
Where African Immigrants live in New York City

As I have written earlier, there is significant immigration from Africa to the United States underway. The New York Times estimates that those born in Africa are about 4 percent of New York City’s im…

Africa with SI

December 10, 2010

Should the Climate Talks be Focused on Technology?

The Cancun climate talks aren’t over yet, but Andy Revkin already has something of a post-mortem up at the Times. In his though-provoking post, he muses over whether we’d have been better off with …

Should the Climate Talks be Focused on Technology?

June 14, 2010

Oil and Energy

I’ve been crashing on an exciting piece of analysis that will be out tomorrow. (Well, at least I think it’s exciting.) In the meantime, I wanted to share a couple things. CFR.org asked four experts,…