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June 16, 2016

What’s Worth Reading This Summer?

CFR.org editor Bob McMahon and I recorded our annual summer reading episode of CFR’s  “The World Next Week” podcast. Elizabeth Saunders, who is a Stanton nuclear security fellow this year at CFR and …

A visitor looks at a book while standing in front of a giant bookshelf at the book fair in Frankfurt

May 8, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
Guess Who’s Coming to (the GCC) Dinner?

On May 13 and 14, President Obama will be hosting a summit meeting with the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation. The members nations are Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and Qatar. The prob…

April 22, 2016

How Has the Rebalance Affected Security Assistance to Southeast Asia?

Earlier this month, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter visited the Philippines, an increasingly important U.S. security partner. In the Philippines, where he observed the annual Balikatan (shoulder-t…


July 18, 2013

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Egypt’s Post-Coup Government and Other Regional Developments

Significant Developments Egypt. European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton met senior pro-Morsi figures during her visit to Cairo yesterday. Ashton’s meetings included former premier Hisha…

Egypt's interim president Adli Mansour (R) speaks with U.S. deputy secretary of state William Burns at El-Thadiya presidential palace in Cairo, July 15, 2013 (Courtesy Reuters/Dalsh).

February 5, 2015

United States
Blankets for Ukraine

Rarely does the fecklessness of current American policy toward Russian aggression against Ukraine emerge as clearly as it does in today’s New York Times. Compare these two passages from a top stor…