12 Results for:

May 9, 2023

As Israel Turns 75, "Foreign Affairs" Publishes a Call to Eliminate It

In its May/June issue "Foreign Affairs" magazine published an article by four well-known academics that called in essence for an end to the Jewish state that has existed since 1948. 

August 22, 2022

Technology and Innovation
Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values: Next Steps for the United States

China and the European Union have both moved to create comprehensive artificial intelligence policy. U.S. policymakers should move forward the AI Bill of Rights to keep pace.

Antony Blinken stands at a podium with the U.S. seal emblazoned on it.

March 9, 2016

Dangerous Illusions About Iran

Last year’s Iran nuclear agreement was sold with several powerful arguments, and among the most important were these: that the agreement would strengthen Iranian "moderates" and thus Iran’s external …

October 1, 2017

Ideology and Foreign Policy

Barack Obama undertook two supremely ideological foreign policy moves. In both cases he seemed largely motivated by myths about American "crimes" in the past, and for that reason failed or refused to…

November 18, 2011

Friday File: How Good Are U.S. Universities?

Student protestors hold signs at the Sather Gate at the University of California at Berkeley. (Kevin Bartram/courtesy Reuters) Above the Fold.  President Obama’s trip to Asia has been in the news th…

Student protestors hold signs while they block the Sather Gate at the University of California at Berkeley March 4, 2010 to protest against fee increases and budget cuts. In all, thousands of students at campuses across California were expected to protest. REUTERS/Kevin Bartram