221 Results for:

August 24, 2017

Zimbabwe Grotesques

In what is hopefully the twilight of the Mugabe regime, one weird episode follows another. On August 14, President Robert Mugabe publicly bragged that the murderers of twelve white farmers in Zimbabw…


December 1, 2017

South Africa
Mugabe Falls as Zuma Struggles to Hold on

Will Zuma be able to continue his control of the ANC party machinery at the December party convention? If he can, then Dlamini-Zuma will probably win the party leadership, buying Zuma the ability to fill-out his presidential term, which ends in 2019.


July 9, 2021

Five Movies Worth Watching About UFOs

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films about UFOs and aliens.

Movie posters in black frames. From left: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (a UFO shines a beams light onto a dark road); The Day the Earth Stood Still (a robot shoots a laser toward the U.S. Capitol Building as a woman screams); and District 9 (a sign in the foreground reads, "No Humans Allowed," as a spaceship hovers over a slum in the background).

November 18, 2017

Mugabe and Mubarak

Robert Mugabe is finally falling from power, after 37 years of vicious dictatorship that ruined his country. Why now? Was it the destruction of the economy? Jailing too many opponents? Too much in…

September 25, 2017

Women and Women's Rights
Maternal and Reproductive Healthcare in Humanitarian Crises

Voices from the Field features contributions from scholars and practitioners highlighting new research, thinking, and approaches to development challenges. This article is authored by Heather Higginb…

Heather in Uganda