96 Results for:

January 11, 2019

Conflict Prevention
The Top Conflicts to Watch in 2019: Terrorist Attack

This year, a mass casualty terrorist attack on the U.S. homeland or treaty ally was included as a top tier priority in the Center for Preventive Action’s annual Preventive Priorities Survey.

June 12, 2020

United States
The World Next Week: What to Read, Watch, and Listen to This Summer

Each year CFR.org editor Bob McMahon and I record a special episode of The World Next Week on our summer reading recommendations. Being sticklers for tradition, we did so again this year. We thought,…

Picture of the book "A Burning," with red and yellow flames and a train, a screenshot of an episode of the podcast "More Perfect," and the preview of the documentary The Civil War with a picture of a cannon in front of a sunset.

June 25, 2019

President Xi, Still the Deglobalizer in Chief…

Can China generate new friends by strategically opening its markets while…also importing less? (Don't judge China just by changes in its tariffs, the Chinese state has many other policy tools to l…

President Xi, Still the Deglobalizer in Chief…

June 5, 2012

United States
TWE Remembers: The Marshall Plan

Most commencement addresses are forgettable. The speaker gives some advice on how to live a productive life, advice that typically means more to the wistful parents in the audience recalling the mist…

lindsay marshall speech 2012 06-05

May 26, 2017

United States
Remembering Whom Memorial Day Honors

The United States has fought twelve major wars and numerous smaller skirmishes in its history. Memorial Day is how we honor the soldiers, sailors, airmen, airwomen, and marines who did not return hom…

Memorial Day 2017