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August 27, 2024

Japan in Focus

I am fortunate to participate in projects on Japan or Asia hosted by other experts. Each month, I will share these with you in Japan in Focus. This month, we have two highlights to share.

The Tokyo Tower is seen illuminated minutes before Earth Hour in Tokyo, Japan

January 17, 2013

Jeffrey W. Hornung: Japan, a Consequential Power

This blog post is part of a series entitled Is Japan in Decline?, in which leading experts analyze Japan’s economy, politics, and society and give their assessment of Japan’s future. The debate over…

Buildings are silhouetted against the setting sun in front of Mount Fuji in Tokyo

January 31, 2022

Jail Term for Former Liberian Defense Minister Offers Ray of Hope to Anti-Corruption Forces in Africa

Last week, the Liberian Supreme Court affirmed the ruling of a lower court which ordered the imprisonment of former Liberian Defense Minister Brownie Jeffrey Samukai Jr., for two years. A one-time deputy minister in the country’s Ministry of National Defense, Samukai was former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s pick to head the ministry when the latter took over the reins as president in January 2006.

U.S military commander wearing camouflage speaks with former Liberian minister in civilian clothing.

June 25, 2023

Did Prigozhin Just Save Taiwan?

Might the revolt by Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner group teach Xi Jinping the lesson that invasions are too uncertain and risky, and lead him away from invading Taiwan? 

November 17, 2023

United States
Election 2024: What Americans Think About China

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This week: What Americans think about China.

Biden Xi

January 8, 2014

Sub-Saharan Africa
Could Lagos Be a Model for the Developing World?

Seth D. Kaplan, writing in the opinion pages of the January 7 New York Times, observes that by 2015, half the world’s population living on less than $1.25 a day will reside in fragile states. These p…

People sit and trade under a bridge at the Orile-Iganmu district of Lagos August 29, 2013