794 Results for:

November 28, 2006

Financial Markets
Gone (sand) fishing …

I am going to be away from my desk for a few days, giving a talk on petrodollars (and petroeuros).   Posting will likely be rather sporadic. Talking about petrodollars (and petroeuros) to group that …

September 20, 2010

Fossil Fuels
Do The Oil Sands Have a "Carbon Opportunity Cost"?

Joe Romm attacks Lindsey Graham in a post yesterday for Senator Graham’s comments about the Canadian oil/tar sands. Set aside Romm’s broader critique – like him, I find Graham’s claim that oil sands …

May 10, 2010

Fossil Fuels
Are Oil Sands Better for the Environment than Offshore Drilling?

The Canadian Press reports that Canadian Environment Minister Jim Prentice is using the Deepwater Horizon debacle to make the case for the Alberta oil sands: “I think it’s always been clear that the…

May 22, 2012

Peter Thiel and the Great College Debate

Should more Americans go to college? I would have thought the answer is an unequivocal yes. The evidence is overwhelming that college graduates have lower unemployment rates, earn far more money, and…

Co-founder of PayPal Peter Thiel speaks during a news conference in Washington in October 2011 (Yuri Gripas/Courtesy Reuters).

August 25, 2005

Capital Flows
Peter Galbraith and Iraq

I think the folks over at TPM Café are right: David Brooks' latest New York Times column is a real flip-flop.  He has gone from celebrating the United States firm commitment to universal democratic p…