116 Results for:

February 13, 2019

United Kingdom
Towards More Gender-Inclusive Parliaments: The UK Embraces Proxy Voting

Last month, the British parliament voted to implement a trial of proxy voting for representatives on parental leave, a small step to make political institutions more gender-sensitive.

Swedish Member European Parliament Jytte Guteland (R) holds her baby as she takes part in a voting session at the European Parliament.

March 2, 2017

United Kingdom
The Scottish Play: Will Brexit Spell the End of a United Kingdom?

The decision by British voters last June to leave the European Union (EU) has thrown that bloc into turmoil. But its implications for Great Britain could be even more profound, portending the dissolu…


February 23, 2018

Cyber Week in Review: February 23, 2018

This week: the UN Secretary General discusses on cyber issues, data protection in the UK post Brexit, and the economic costs of cybercrime. 

Antonio Guterres

May 1, 2017

United Kingdom
Brexit: Now for the Hard Part

The weekend’s European Union (EU) Summit provided little love for UK prime minister Theresa May. Leaders approved a tough opening position in the upcoming Brexit negotiations, and warned against “com…

May 27, 2016

Friday Asia Update: Five Stories From the Week of May 27, 2016

Rachel Brown, Lincoln Davidson, Theresa Lou, Gabriella Meltzer, Pei-Yu Wei, and James West look at five stories from Asia this week. 1. Obama offers subtle criticisms in Vietnam. Much of the coverag…
