378 Results for:

March 6, 2008

Rodriguez: Chavez Using Attack on FARC to Bolster Diminishing Popularity

Francisco R. Rodriguez, an expert on Venezuelan affairs, says the show of force by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez after the Colombian incursion into Ecuador is an attempt to bolster his declining p…

April 24, 2024

U.S.-Cuba Relations

Cuba has long been a major foreign policy challenge for the United States. President Biden is the latest U.S. leader to grapple with how to balance democracy promotion with the desire for a better bi…

A man shows U.S. and Cuban flags at his house in Havana.

February 10, 2017

United States
The Legal Fight Over Trump’s Authority

The battle over the Trump administration’s executive order on immigration raises weighty constitutional questions involving presidential power and the judiciary’s role in national security, explains …

August 1, 2017

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Empowering Refugees in Times of Crisis

To address a migration emergency that shows no signs of abating, states should look beyond building refugee camps and offer economic opportunities to those displaced, says expert Alexander Betts.

An Afghan refugee is pictured working at a workshop with tools in Wuppertal, western Germany

August 14, 2008

Security Alliances
Solving the Crisis in the Caucasus

As global leaders scramble to find a solution to the Russia-Georgia conflict, five experts weigh in with possible solutions.