285 Results for:

April 22, 2010

China’s New Best Friends and Their New Brand of Geopolitics

After a long romance with the G-77 and being courted by the United States, China has decided its new best friends forever are going to be Brazil, Russia, South Africa and India. Presidents Hu, Medve…

China’s New Best Friends and Their New Brand of Geopolitics

February 2, 2011

Treaties and Agreements
TWE Remembers: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Today marks the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo formally ending the Mexican-American War. As you might have guessed, the treaty was signed in Guadalupe Hidalgo, which is…


March 25, 2011

What We’re Watching in Africa This Week

[cetsEmbedGmap src=http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=215110937314986215762.00049f536e4d4dd622b1a&ll=4.039618,19.335938&spn=95.714109,161.367188&z=3 width=570 height=425 marginwi…

May 4, 2011

Defense and Security
U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation Four Years On

US Secretary of State Clinton and Mexican Foreign Minister Espinosa (Saul Loeb / Courtesy Reuters). Last Friday, Hillary Clinton hosted the Merida Initiative High-Level Consultative Group in Washing…

US Secretary of State Clinton and Mexican Foreign Minister Espinosa (Saul Loeb / Courtesy Reuters).