40 Results for:

August 1, 2017

Refugees and Displaced Persons
Empowering Refugees in Times of Crisis

To address a migration emergency that shows no signs of abating, states should look beyond building refugee camps and offer economic opportunities to those displaced, says expert Alexander Betts.

An Afghan refugee is pictured working at a workshop with tools in Wuppertal, western Germany

January 8, 2010

United States
Terrorism Risks and ’Timeless Problems’

Failures to stop the recent U.S. airliner bomb plot and the destruction of a CIA base in Afghanistan illustrate inherent problems in intelligence gathering, and al-Qaeda’s impenetrability, says CFR’s…

July 28, 2011

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Tightening the Pentagon’s Belt

Defense-spending cuts should be a big part of a deficit reduction deal, says CFR’s Richard Betts, with the Pentagon pursuing a budget that reflects a reduced threat environment and limits the product…

June 9, 2014

Battling for Brazil’s Favelas

Unrest and accusations of police brutality in Brazil’s slums have threatened Rio’s security—and the country’s image—as it comes under a global spotlight with the World Cup, says expert Janice Perlman.

October 5, 2005

International Law
Interview with Lee Feinstein on the International Criminal Court and the United States

The United Nations’ International Criminal Court (ICC), for the first time since its work began in 2002, has issued arrest warrants against war criminals. The current case levies indictments against …