12 Results for:

June 13, 2017

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico’s Statehood Debate

The recent vote may not advance Puerto Rican statehood, but it may focus attention on its heavy debts and exposure to upcoming U.S. health-care and budget measures.

Puerto Rico anti-austerity protestors

May 10, 2016

Puerto Rico
Can Puerto Rico Escape Its Debt Crisis?

Puerto Rico’s debt crisis has entered a new stage. Without congressional action and deeper reforms, the island could find itself unable to provide basic services, says CFR expert Brad Setser.

April 3, 2015

Tricky Path to Final Iran Nuclear Deal

The framework deal with Iran surpassed expectations and revived concerns about how such a deal could be implemented, says CFR’s Ray Takeyh.

September 17, 2014

Clock Ticking on Iran Nuclear Deal

Without diplomatic progress over the next several weeks, world powers and Iran may squander their best opportunity for a comprehensive nuclear agreement, says expert Daryl G. Kimball.

November 12, 2007

Financial Markets
Setser: Understanding the Falling Dollar

CFR geoeconomic fellow Brad W. Setser explains what’s behind the dollar’s recent decline and says the Federal Reserve shouldn’t use interest rates as a tool to stabilize the exchange rate.