52 Results for:

April 30, 2015

The Vietnam War in Forty Quotes

Last month, I did a series of posts commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of U.S. combat troops in Vietnam on March 8, 1965. Today marks another significant date in the Vietnam War: t…


March 8, 2012

United States
Ask the Experts: Where Are the Women in Foreign Policy?

Having worked at a number of institutions over the past fifteen years, I have long been struck by the proportional underrepresentation of women in U.S. foreign policy and national security positions…

Situation Room 2010

September 23, 2011

Defense and Security
Friday File: Arms Sales to Taiwan

Five F-16 jets fly in formation. (Ho New/courtesy Reuters) Above the Fold. The Palestinian statehood bid is not the only issue the Obama administration has been struggling with this week. On Wednesd…

Five U.S. Air Force F-16

March 21, 2013

Jordan Second

Lost in all the commentary in President Obama’s visit to Israel is the fact that he will also visit Jordan.  The country is often derisively referred to as the “Hashemite Kingdom of Boredom,” but it …


August 7, 2012

Guest Post: Community Colleges and America's Skills Gap

The following is a guest post written by Curtis Valentine, a CFR term member and education reform advocate in Maryland. Follow him on Twitter at @curtiseveryday. In a recent meeting of the National …

Students listen to professor Christian Agunwamba during a "Fundamentals of Algebra" class at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston, Massachusetts (Brian Snyder/Courtesy Reuters).