37 Results for:

June 9, 2014

Syria: Humanitarian Disaster—and Security Threat

Syria’s civil war poses an expanding threat to the region and beyond. Washington should seize the opportunity that still exists to weaken the Assad regime, writes CFR’s Elliott Abrams.

July 3, 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa
Obama’s Modest Inroads in Africa

President Obama laid out a notable agenda for Africa on his recent visit, refocusing U.S. attention on a continent many critics feel the White House has neglected, says CFR’s John Campbell.

May 29, 2013

Saudi Arabia
Why a Saudi Virus Is Spreading Alarm

A new virus discovered in Saudi Arabia is raising deep concerns over its lethality. An intellectual property dispute could be impeding efforts to contain it, writes CFR’s Laurie Garrett.

April 14, 2011

U.S.-Pakistan Partnership in Peril

The crisis in U.S.-Pakistani relations followed mounting mistrust over the U.S. war in Afghanistan, in particular. But Washington should seize the chance to reinvigorate ties rather than look elsewhe…

April 13, 2011

How to Reshape Post-Crisis Japan

Japan’s ability to rebound from its triple disaster in March will require more than just rebuilding; it will demand restructuring in areas from energy and farm policy to decentralization of power, wr…